About Us Dr. Giancarlo Silva Confalonieri
Degree in Economics from the Bocconi University of Milan
Degree in Law at the University of Milan
Advanced diploma in Business Administration from Bocconi University in Milan
Registered Accountant and Chartered Accountant of Milan, Sec. At the nr. 157.
Register of Auditors with DM published on the 12/04/95 G.U. nr. 31a-IV Special Series 21/04/1995
Founder ANACI (National Association of Real Estate and Condominium)
Directorial advisor Assoedilizia (Milanese Association of Property Owners)

Dr. Riccardo Silva Confalonieri
Degree in Business and Law for Business Bocconi University in Milan
Registered Accountant and Chartered Accountant of Milan, Sec. A nr. 6.031
Register of Auditors with DM published on the 25/06/03 G.U. nr. 52-IV Special series 04/07/2003

Dr. Federica Silva Confalonieri
Degree in Law at the University of Milan
Former member of ANACI (National Association of Condominium and Real Estate)

Dr.Piero Strada
Degree in Law at the University of Milan
Former member of ANACI (National Association of Condominium and Real Estate)

Dr. Cristina Flaim
Degree in Economics and Commerce at the University of Bergamo
Registered Accountant and Chartered Accountant of Milan Sec. A nr. 5992
Register of Auditors nr. 161889
Enabled Conciliator D.M. 180/2010
Member of the Finance and management control Commission at the ODCEC in Milan
Member of Banking, financial intermediaries and insurance Commission at the ODCEC in Milan

Rag. Nadia Tevini
Expert in tax and accounting issues

Rag. Cinzia Gerli
Rag. Tiziana Papotto
Rag. Erika Gemelli
Rag. Antonella Coglitore
Rag. Silvia De Mattia

Arch. Loretta Mazza
Rag. Rachele Maselli

Administration, data processing, accounting and secretarial